My tryst with Covid – Rohini

Fight against Covid

I want to share my experience with all of you and want everyone to be extra careful in this Covid pandemic time. My husband had loss of smell and taste on June 25th 2020, and didn’t have any other symptoms. With the knowledge from WhatsApp University I made him have all kinds of teas steaming and also isolated him in a room.

On June 28th I also had the same feeling of loss of smell and taste and a mild fever but didn’t care about it with my busy schedule of attending family and my regular household chores, on June 29th my temperature rose to 103 and I took our regular dolo 650, it came down to 101 and within an hour it again rose to 103, at the same time covid testing was stopped in Hyderabad, immediately we have approached private labs and got the tests done.

On June 30th me and my daughter were tested positive and my husband was tested negative. On our family doctors suggestion we have undergone HRCT scan and it said that my lungs were infected very badly, Luckily covid19 spared my husband and daughter, their lungs were fine. Since I had high fever and other symptoms and my daughter is asymptomatic our family doctor suggested me to get admitted in hospital and on July 2nd I was admitted in care hospital Banjara Hills, Hyderabad. Everyone was concerned about the bill but I have got insurance.

My d dimer and IR tests were bad and my hemoglobin was 6 and also I’m hypo-vitaminosis which means all the vitamins including sodium are negative in my body which is a very bad condition and doctors have immediately started blood transmission and other injections. They transmitted 2 units of blood. My temperature was controlled on July 4th, and I could actually get my senses back. My heamoglobin went up to 10.3 after the blood transmission.

On July 6th my d dimer rose up so high that means inflammation in any part of the body which might increase the clots and it leads to heart attack (doctor said the same when asked). They gave me blood thinner injections daily twice. I was discharged on July 9th with mild cough and back pain. In this whole process they have also detected my sugar levels rose up consistently.

Before my covid episode from February I took care of everything including hygiene maintenance and good food. We didn’t step outside and maintained all hygiene norms. But covid is such a thing which might attack us in any form that too in unexpected ways. And as per doctors and my personal experience with some of our relatives this is dangerous in some cases and nothing in some cases.

Tips which I thought might be useful to everyone

  • Steaming and drinking hot water/ kashayam definitely helps.
  • Even if we are at our homes and not stepping out still there are chances of getting infected.
  • Men have more immunity levels than women as they go outside frequently and there are less chances of them being infected and even if they are infected they will recover soon (as I have mentioned first my husband lost smell and taste but he was tested negative in five days).
  • Everyone must take supplements like zincovit, limcee and iron tablets irrespective of age and gender specially from now onwards as covid is not only one virus there are many viruses infections, and to fight with them our body must be ready.
  • All fruits and dry fruits like badam pista cashew fig dates anjeer walnut must be taken each 3-5 nos.
  • As per the saying an apple a day keeps the doctor away it’s true to some extent but nutritionist advised to take half an apple half of pomegranate including a kiwi (must).
  • Drinking small cup of lukewarm water for every one hour helped me in reducing the irritation in the throat also reduced cough.
  • Do not neglect if anything is wrong with and generally housewives ignore some signals which body gives us which is a blunder and it is leading to other complications.
  • There are many symptoms of covid, not just loss of smell and taste or fever or dry cough. I had wet cough, loss of smell and taste, high fever, severe backache and fatigue. From my knowledge both in hospital and other co covid patients experience some had breathlessness, unusual joint pains, headache, rashes (not just red ones).
  • Most important point which I forgot to add is this is as equal as cancer when compared in the case of will power. Because as we fear more it makes our body even more weak. If we stay happy and calm it reduces.

I have stayed 30 days of home quarantine as I have waited for my cough to reduce. Now I’m fine except some mild weakness. I have started self care first policy. I have included pranayam, meditation and walking in my daily schedule. I have started waking up even more early for myself and my self care which everyone must start …

Hope this might be helpful for all of you. Stay healthy, strong and most importantly stay safe everyone.


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